My approach to yoga is both down-to-earth and yet light-hearted. I teach vigorous, alignment focused vinyasa classes that will make you sweat – and chuckle. Although my class is challenging, it’s also surprisingly accessible. I focus on postural alignment and give hands-on and verbal adjustments to help you find and feel the correct position in each posture. This is how you will continue to progress and grow in your practice. I will meet you where you are but gently push you toward your potential.
I believe that a full and balanced life comes from a personal dedication to stretch and grow, not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. To that end, I begin each class with a quote and reflect on how it applies to our day-to-day and our sense of well-being. I continually remind you to connect with your breath, to be in the moment – aware of your thoughts and feelings about your practice and yourself.
“Jody is the best yoga teacher I’ve ever had! Her classes offer the ideal combo for me of getting a real workout, doing some inner spiritual work, and leaving feeling like I’m recharged and ready to live my best life!” — Zhalisa C.

My Hope
I want to help you on your life’s journey.
Wow, that’s big, right? I want us to work vigorously – and wisely – together so that when you leave you feel good in your body, clear in your mind and more able to take on whatever comes next.
In my own life I strive for adaptability. I hope that, as we work together, you are more able to respond to the demands of your life and to fully embrace its joys.
I believe that yoga is a strategy for living well: strengthening and balancing the body, calming the mind, and cultivating a spiritual life.
Sound good? Let’s work.