October 6, 13, 20, 27, 2024
Thanks to all the strong and sassy women who were so brave and disciplined to participate in the second 4-week series to gain and maintain upper body strength. You rock. You worked hard and it totally paid off. Every single person gained strength. Amazing badasses. I’m so proud of you! It was such a delight to witness everyone put in the work and improve. You killed it! You are powerful. Embrace it. The main point of this workshop was, primarily to build upper body strength so that everyday living could be experienced with more confidence and capability. Secondarily, it was to help improve the practice of yoga. Success on both counts.

A four part series at Nest Yoga. In-person only.

Sundays: October 6, 13, 20, 27
3:30pm – 5:00pm
with Jody Hahn
$110 for the series
Drop-in: $30 only two drop in spots per class.
Let’s strengthen the upper body. YES!
Join Jody for a workshop to build and maintain strength using yoga and tools from other disciplines. You will flow and also target individual muscle groups with specific exercises.
Please don’t worry if you don’t have much upper body strength right now or know how to build it. This is precisely what this workshop will address.
This workshop for you if:
- You struggle with strength and you need a place to start.
- You have strength but want to continue to maintain and build.
Reasons to build and maintain strength:
Enjoy your life with a body you can trust.
- We can be more active and enjoy life when our bodies are able to take on whatever we want to do: yard work, rearrange furniture, push kids on a swing, carry – whatever needs carrying. We need our strength so we are not held back from the fun things in life and so we can maintain our independent living skills – not needing help to open a door, carry groceries or open jars.
Improve your health and well being:
- People with more muscle mass often have faster metabolisms that burn more calories.
- When we build muscle, we also build stronger bones.
- As we age …and we’re all getting older… it’s important to gain and maintain strength:
“…Strong muscles can help reduce aches and pains and increase an overall sense of well-being. Plus, strength training can help to reduce the common symptoms of arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, back pain, and depression.” The Key. Article on healthy aging
You will feel amazing and proud as you see yourself get stronger.
You will be tracking your progress. Best of all, you’ll be able to continue to build even more strength with the knowledge you gain from this workshop.
In this workshop the upper body includes everything from the neck to the top of the pelvis (iliac crest)
- Arms
- Hands and fingers
- Shoulders
- Chest
- Back
- Sides body
- Abs
- Neck
Yep, we’ll work all of this in this 4-part workshop. You will work alone and with a partner.
Oct 6. Part I
- Start where you are. We will assess what you can do at this point.
- We will start off with some pushing and pulling for the arms, gripping with the hands, some back body strengthening and some core.
Oct 13. Part II
- Continue with core work – abdominals and obliques, grip strength, pushing, pulling, stabilizing, shoulders and chest.
Oct 20. Part III
- Continue with grip, pushing, pulling, plank stability, shoulder, chest, more core, more pulling, back strengthening all to prep and practice chaturanga.
Oct 27. Part IV
- We will continue to work all of the above and continue to work chaturanga and add purvottanasana.
- We will assess the same exercises we did on the first day to see your progress.